Thursday, August 16, 2012


 This is just going to be a quick post.  My mom, Annelise and Sarah are in Portland, Oregon for my cousins wedding on Saturday and my mom wanted me to post some pictures of her latest project for her sister to see.  Our family loves to remodel/repaint/redo rooms in our house.  There's always sweat, blood and tears, but the results are great!  If I remember correctly, we've redone 12 rooms, two staircases, two porches, stained a few doors, and our latest project, the upstairs hallway.  Although, you'll have to make it 13 rooms if you count mine twice.  It was the first room we ever worked on and I painted it/stripped the wall paper when I moved in.  It used to be the guest room.  We have a very old house.  And when I say old, I mean it.  It's 116 years old! So, naturally, when ever we get into the remodeling stage, it's not just slapping paint on the walls.  This time, Dad worked tirelessly on the floor of the hallway to re-finish it.  And it looks gorgeous if I do say so myself.  Mom and the rest of the crew (Annelise, Carol, me, Ashleigh and Dena Sizemore, Dad, and probably others) stripped the "lovely" shepherd wallpaper and replaced it with a beautiful shade of tan.  I'm sure it has a fancy name, but I can't recall it at the moment.  I do know that it is the same color as our breakfast nook and the trim is the same as in my room though!  (The trim is crumb cookie.  The come up with the most interesting names for paint.)  Mom, the wall-fixer-upper genius that she is, patched up all the cracks and messed up corners like a pro. (She's had practice.) Without further ado, here are the before and after pictures. (So much for a quick post.)

Mom stripped these wood things! I'm too tired to remember the actual name.

See that corner way up there? I stripped that. Balancing precariously on the window sill and the ladder. Yup.   I live life on the dangerous side.


The results of lots of wall paper stripping.

Go Dad! 

Anna was a bit tired while sanding.

Aww! Ashleigh and Annelise

Every time we strip wallpaper, we find signatures of those who put the old wall paper up! It's pretty awesome having an old house.

 Little kid scribbles!

The painter's signature is above the kid's scribbles. Mom thought that was completely adorable.

Finished product!

I did the inside of these! (and maybe the outside, I don't remember)

1 comment:

  1. You never showed how I had to go back and redo everything Sarah, Ashleigh and Anna did!! ::::P (it's a silly spider w/ 8 eyes....)
